Monday, March 30, 2009

28 Lights on the Church Ceiling

Castine Church of the Brethren has 28 lights on the ceiling in the sanctuary. At least this is what Joseph told me Sunday as he was squirming in his seat since Kids Worship was cancelled. Every few minutes he would tug on my dress in a whisper "Mom there are 28 lights on the ceiling" then another tug and "Mom I have 10 bumps on the bottom of my shoe". SSSSHH Others around us thought it was a hoot. I miss Chris in church. He has been in Col. every weekend for a month. I miss the order he seems to bring to the children. Joseph is the quiet one. At one point he tugged on my dress while we were all singing to show me that little sister was jumping across chairs like they were stones on the creek. Uhhgg. Ready for children's church I was.

This weekend Chris will wrap up this blessing of a job that he has been working on since the middle of Feb. in Col. We love the income from the job and praise God for it but it will be nice to have him home again on the weekends and get back to a more regular routine. Business around our home town is good too. Things are really picking up and people seem to notice our name more around town. Word of mouth recognition seems to be the key here.

We are ready for Easter. We baked some Easter cookies last weekend. This weekend is our church Easter Egg hunt and the kids are beyond excited for that. They jump up and down each time it is mentioned. Natalie is playing with 7 other kids in a bell choir for the Sunrise Service and Brianna is singing Jesus Loves Me by herself. It is my favorite holiday. So much less chaos and so much more peace I feel. I love sitting in church as the sun begins to shine and imagining the surprise that was. I can't wait.

This evening I took Bri to get her hair cut, then on to Penny's to find her something new to wear for Easter. She would come out of the dressing room to show me and all of the sudden I could see her as a woman. She's just so beautiful. She was wearing a white capri suit and she just looked like she could set the world on fire with the smile she had on her face. I am so blessed to be her mother.
Speaking of beautiful, I love the way Natty says it right now. When she says that word, the way she says it, it just sounds like a song. I ask her to say it sometimes, so she can put a smile on my heart.

Drippy, I know.

Hope all is well with everyone.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Family Update

I have a few minutes today and decided to check in and couldn't believe how long it had been since I had blogged. Sorry, time has really been getting away from me lately.

Our family has been healthy finally for the past few weeks and we have been enjoying the warm days and the hopes of spring in the air.

I love that the kids have been able to get out to play outside. Seems to be good for everyone's soul. They have taken to playing everyday in the "Big Red Bus". Chris says for as little as we paid for it let them play in it all summer and build memories in their bus that will last a life time. Glad he feels that way because they have so much fun in it. Even Brianna played out there with them one day for hours.

Chris has started spring tree cutting. He cuts trees down in spring so they have enough time to dry out and season to burn all winter. We have quite a few trees that are growning into other trees and trees that are already dead, that will be a good start. God always provides the source. This year we only had to buy two cords of wood. So we were able to heat our house all winter for two hundred dollars plus the electric to run the blower. Wow! I bought green bean, spinach, and cucumber seeds on sale at K-Mart yesterday. So excited and ready to plant my garden. I love to garden and the thought and planning of it has gotten me through many a dreary day this winter. I'm going to try planting Lavender this year too. It is a perennial and is supposed to smell so good. A friend of mine and I try to think of things we can make for Christmas gifts and I thought Lavender dried and put in sachets sounds like fun or maybe lavender soap, who knows.

School is going well for all of the kids. Brianna has been hard at work bringing up a few grades that had fallen over the holidays. I call in to talk to the teachers and meet with them when she is not on target. They say to her "tell your Mom this and tell your Mom that" perhaps to let me know what is going on before it gets to a call, not sure if they like the calls or not. I have learned that if you are in charge of your child and you are kindly interested, things that are not right will change. Not sure if it is because of the feedback or preventative maitenance, I don't really care what the reason as long as it turns out to benefit my kid. I'm sure that sounds selfish but I'm postitive that nobody there has her personal interest at heart as much as I do.
Joseph is reading pretty well now and his writing is improving. He is a wiz with Math, praise the Lord for I am not. He got his first library card last week, he was so excited. He has a different air about him when he is there, picking books to read to me, then books for me to read to him. Makes my heart sing watching him. Natalie's teacher tells me she is so good everyday and that she just loves her. I know she does, she loves on her every morning. We will sure miss Mrs. Hollinger when Natalie moves on to Kindergarten, but that is still a year or so away. Natalie know most of her alphabet and can write her name. She has also been working on counting to

Our business is great. We have been very busy, so far God brings it in a way that between Chris and I we have been able to handle it. We will have to hire some help for a job Chris is doing this weekend, then I will help him next weekend while the kids get to go for a vist to my Mom's. Chris brought in a job that is every weekend in Col. until the first weekend in April so once we get through that then we can take a breath and evaluate everything. For now we are in major work mode getting to all the jobs that need done. To be honest I do not know how full-time working moms do it. I am in envy of their organization skills. I am trying to get caught up on house cleaning and laundry today and feel quite overwhelmed.

Well better get to it.
I hope you are all well and miss all of you.